Colorado Building and Construction Trades Council

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The Union

The Local Union is the basic unit of the Building Trades. There are locals with only a dozen members and some with thousands of members. Regardless of size, the principle of operation is the same. A local union is the people in it, and the people are the union. The manufacturer, the business man, the doctor, the construction contractor, and just about every known group has its own organization. The union is the organization representing the worker.

Unions play an important function by giving workers a voice in discussing issues that affect their lives—such as rates of pay, benefits and working conditions. Each local union receives assistance from their International Office through its field staff. Guidance, advice, technical and legal help, are some of the services the International Office offers.

Union members elect their own officers (election of officers by secret ballot) who are subject to control by the members. Each member has an equal voice and vote at regular democratically conducted meetings.


The Union

- Open Letter
- The Union
- History
- Myth vs. Reality
- Dues
- Negotiations
- Contracts
- Right to Organize
- Prevailing Wage
- Labor Management


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7510 West Mississippi Avenue, Suite 240
Lakewood, Colorado 80226
303-936-3301 /  303-936-3314 (fax)

Business Manager - A. Neal Hall

Copyright © 2007 - 2014 -- Colorado Building and Construction Trades Council -- All rights reserved.